hearing was scheduled for August 3 on Katherine Jackson's petition.
Michael Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, told CNN on Sunday evening that he and his wife expected to keep the children.
"We're not trying to get custody," Jackson said. "We will get custody and have custody."
An autopsy was performed on Michael Jackson Friday, and toxicology reports from his body will disprove rumors that the singer's personal physician injected him with powerful painkillers, the attorney for Dr. Conrad Murray said Monday.
"Dr. Murray never prescribed Demerol, never administered Demerol, never saw him -- Michael Jackson -- take Demerol," attorney Edward Chernoff told CNN's "American Morning."
"And that goes as well for Oxycontin. I think those are just rumors. When toxicology comes back ... that's going to be all cleared up," Chernoff said.
Murray met voluntarily for several hours with detectives over the weekend, the Los Angeles Police Department said late Saturday.
"We've let them know we're available to them any time they need us, any questions they have," Chernoff said. "We have told them that the medical examiner is free to call us. We'll be available to them. If they have any questions once toxicology comes out. I expect they will have some questions, and we'll be ready to answer them."